#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int glob=0; //global variables
int global=10;
class d_booking //class for domestic booking
int pnr;
char f_d[10],toja[7],tojd[7]; //protected members
long int doj;
int choice,src,dest;
public://public member functions
void d_pnr()
glob++; // increment variable
int j_detail() // function declaration and definition for domestic journey
cout << "\nEnter DateOfJourney(DDMMYY)." << "Please enter a valid date." << endl;
cin >> doj;
cout << "\1.Brisbane(1) \t\2.Sydney(2) \t\3.Melbourne(3) \t\4.Canberra(4)" << endl << endl;
cout << "\tEnter Source" << endl;
cin >> src;
cout << "\tEnter destination" << endl;
cin >> dest;
if((src==1 && dest==2) || (src==2 && dest==1))//condition
cout << "\t \t \tFlights Found" << endl << endl;
cout << "Airline:\tDeparture:\tArrival:\tPrice:\t\tCategory:\n";
cout << "\1.Qantas(1)\t08:00\t\t11:05\t\tRs.5000\t\tRefundable\n";
cout << "\2.Fly Dubai(2)\t14:00\t\t17:05\t\tRs.5500\t\tRefundable\n";
cout << "\3.Go Air(3)\t19:00\t\t22:05\t\tRs.6000\t\tRefundable\n";
else if((src==1 && dest==3) || (src==3 && dest==1))//condition
cout << "\t \t \tFlights Found" << endl << endl;
cout << "Airline:\tDeparture:\tArrival:\tPrice:\t\tCategory:\n";
cout << "\1.Qantas(1)\t08:00\t\t11:05\t\tRs.5000\t\tRefundable\n";
cout << "\2.Fly Dubai(2)\t14:00\t\t17:05\t\tRs.5500\t\tRefundable\n";
cout << "\3.Go Air(3)\t19:00\t\t22:05\t\tRs.6000\t\tRefundable\n";
else if((src==1 && dest==4) || (src==4 && dest==1))//condition
cout << "\t \t \tFlights Found" << endl << endl;
cout << "Airline:\tDeparture:\tArrival:\tPrice:\t\tCategory:\n";
cout << "\1.Qantas(1)\t08:00\t\t11:05\t\tRs.4000\t\tRefundable\n";
cout << "\2.Fly Dubai(2)\t14:00\t\t17:05\t\tRs.4250\t\tRefundable\n";
cout << "\3.Go Air(3)\t19:00\t\t22:05\t\tRs.6100\t\tRefundable\n";
else if((src==2 && dest==3) || (src==3 && dest==2))//condition
cout << "\t \t \tFlights Found" << endl << endl;
cout << "Airline:\tDeparture:\tArrival:\tPrice:\t\tCategory:\n";
cout << "\1.Qantas(1)\t08:00\t\t11:05\t\tRs.5400\t\tRefundable\n";
cout << "\2.Fly Dubai(2)\t14:00\t\t17:05\t\tRs.2500\t\tRefundable\n";
cout << "\3.Go Air(3)\t19:00\t\t22:05\t\tRs.2890\t\tRefundable\n";
else if((src==2 && dest==4) || (src==4 && dest==2))//condition
cout << "\t \t \tFlights Found" << endl << endl;
cout << "Airline:\tDeparture:\tArrival:\tPrice:\t\tCategory:\n";
cout << "\1.Qantas(1)\t08:00\t\t11:05\t\tRs.5000\t\tRefundable\n";
cout << "\2.Fly Dubai(2)\t14:00\t\t17:05\t\tRs.4500\t\tRefundable\n";
cout << "\3.Go Air(3)\t19:00\t\t22:05\t\tRs.6000\t\tRefundable\n";
else if((src==3 && dest==4) || (src==4 && dest==3))//condition
cout << "\t \t \tFlights Found" << endl << endl;
cout << "Airline:\tDeparture:\tArrival:\tPrice:\t\tCategory:\n";
cout << "\1.Qantas(1)\t08:00\t\t11:05\t\tRs.5800\t\tRefundable\n";
cout << "\2.Fly Dubai(2)\t14:00\t\t17:05\t\tRs.5508\t\tRefundable\n";
cout << "\3.Go Air(3)\t19:00\t\t22:05\t\tRs.6050\t\tRefundable\n";
else if(src==dest)//condition
cout << "\nSource and destination can't be same.\nTry again\n\n\n" << endl;
return j_detail();
cout <<"\nWrong input entered\nTry again\n\n\n" << endl;
return j_detail();
int select_flight() //function declaration and definition for selecting flight
{ cout << "\nEnter your choice" << endl;
cin >> choice;
switch(choice) // switch case
case 1://condition
cout << "\nFlight selected:"<<endl;
cout << "Qantas"<<endl;
strcpy(f_d,"Qantas");//copy to string
cout << "Departure Time : 08:00"<<endl;
cout<<"Arrival Time: 11:05"<<endl;
strcpy(tojd,"8:00"); //copy to string
strcpy(toja,"11:05");// copy to string
case 2://condition
cout << "\nFlight selected:"<<endl;
cout << "Fly Dubai"<<endl;
strcpy(f_d,"Fly Dubai");//copy to string
cout << "Departure Time : 14:00"<<endl;
cout<<"Arrival Time: 17:05"<<endl;
strcpy(tojd,"14:00");//copy to string
strcpy(toja,"17:05");//copy to string
case 3://condition
cout << "\nFlight selected:" << endl;
cout << "Go Air" << endl;
strcpy(f_d,"Go Air");//copy to string
cout << "Departure Time : 19:00" << endl;
cout<<"Arrival Time: 22:05" << endl;
strcpy(tojd,"19:00");//copy to string
strcpy(toja,"22:05");//copy to string
cout << "Wrong input entered.\nTry again" << endl;
return select_flight();
class i_booking//class for international booking
protected://protected members
int pnri;
char f_i[10],tojai[7],tojdi[7];
long int doji;
int srci,desti,choicei;
public://public member functions
void i_pnr()
global++;//increment variable
//brought to you by code-projects.org
int j_detaili()// function declaration and definition for journey details
cout << "Enter DateOfJourney(DDMMYY)." << "Please enter a valid date." << endl;;
cin >> doji;
cout << "\1.London(1) \2.Dubai(2) \3.Abu Dhabi(3) \4.Singapore(4) \5.NewYork(5) " << endl << endl;
cout << "\tEnter Source" << endl;
cin >> srci;
cout << "\nEnter destination" ;
cin >> desti;
cout << "\t \t \tFlights Found" << endl << endl;
if((srci==1 && desti==3) || (srci==3 && desti==1))//condition
cout << "Airline:\tDeparture:\tArrival:\tPrice:\t\tCategory:\n";
cout << "\1.Vistara(1)\t10:00\t\t14:05\t\tRs.25000\tRefundable\n";
cout << "\2.Fly Dubai(2)\t14:00\t\t18:05\t\tRs.21500\tRefundable\n";
cout << "\3.Emirates(3)\t18:00\t\t22:05\t\tRs.24000\tRefundable\n";
else if((srci==1 && desti==4) || (srci==4 && desti==1))//condition
cout << "Airline:\tDeparture:\tArrival:\tPrice:\t\tCategory:\n";
cout << "\1.Vistara(1)\t10:00\t\t14:05\t\tRs.25500\tRefundable\n";
cout << "\2.Fly Dubai(2)\t14:00\t\t18:05\t\tRs.21300\tRefundable\n";
cout << "\3.Emirates(3)\t18:00\t\t22:05\t\tRs.24650\t\tRefundable\n";
else if((srci==1 && desti==5) || (srci==5 || desti==1))//condition
cout << "Airline:\tDeparture:\tArrival:\tPrice:\t\tCategory:\n";
cout << "\1.Vistara(1)\t10:00\t\t14:05\t\tRs.52500\tRefundable\n";
cout << "\2.Fly Dubai(2)\t14:00\t\t18:05\t\tRs.59420\tRefundable\n";
cout << "\3.Emirates(3)\t18:00\t\t22:05\t\tRs.64892\tRefundable\n";
else if((srci==2 && desti==3) || (srci==3 && desti==2))//condition
cout << "Airline:\tDeparture:\tArrival:\tPrice:\t\tCategory:\n";
cout << "\1.Vistara(1)\t10:00\t\t14:05\t\tRs.17800\tRefundable\n";
cout << "\2.Fly Dubai(2)\t14:00\t\t18:05\t\tRs.14900\tRefundable\n";
cout << "\3.Emirates(3)\t18:00\t\t22:05\t\tRs.18700\tRefundable\n";
else if((srci==2 && desti==4) || (srci==4 && desti==2))//condition
cout << "Airline:\tDeparture:\tArrival:\tPrice:\t\tCategory:\n";
cout << "\1.Vistara(1)\t10:00\t\t14:05\t\tRs.32000\tRefundable\n";
cout << "\2.Fly Dubai(2)\t14:00\t\t18:05\t\tRs.38500\tRefundable\n";
cout << "\3.Emirates(3)\t18:00\t\t22:05\t\tRs41259\tRefundable\n"; }
else if(srci==2 && desti==5 || (srci==5 && desti==2))//condition
cout << "Airline:\tDeparture:\tArrival:\tPrice:\t\tCategory:\n";
cout << "\1.Vistara(1)\t10:00\t\t14:05\t\tRs.82500\tRefundable\n";
cout << "\2.Fly Dubai(2)\t14:00\t\t18:05\t\tRs.87550\tRefundable\n";
cout << "\3.Emirates(3)\t18:00\t\t22:05\t\tRs81478\tRefundable\n";
else if(srci==desti)//condition
cout << "wrong input entered.\nTry again\n\n\n"<< endl;
return j_detaili();
cout << "Wrong input entered.\nTry again\n\n\n";
return j_detaili();
int select_flighti()//function declaration and definition for selecting flight
cout << "\nEnter your choice" << endl;
cin >> choicei;
switch(choicei)//switch case
case 1://condition
cout << "\nFlight selected:" <<endl;
cout << "Vistara" << endl;
strcpy(f_i,"Vistara");//copy to string
cout << "Departure Time: 10:00" << endl;
cout << "Arrival Time: 14:05" << endl;
strcpy(tojdi,"10:00");//copy to string
strcpy(tojai,"14:05");//copy to string
case 2://condition
cout << "\nFlight selected:" << endl;
cout << "Fly Dubai" << endl;
strcpy(f_i,"Fly Dubai");//copy to string
cout << "Departure Time: 14:00" << endl;
cout << "Arrival Time: 18:05" << endl;
strcpy(tojdi,"14:00");//copy to string
strcpy(tojai,"18:05");//copy to string
case 3://condition
cout << "\nFlight selected:" << endl;
cout << "Emirates" << endl;
strcpy(f_i,"Emirates");//copy to string
cout << "Departure Time : 18:00" << endl;
cout << "Arrival Time: 22:05" << endl;
strcpy(tojdi,"18:00");//copy to string
strcpy(tojai,"22:05");//copy to string
cout << "Wrong input entered" << endl;
return select_flighti();
class passenger: public d_booking,public i_booking//class passenger publicly inherited from class d_booking and i_booking
protected://protected members
char f_name[20],l_name[20],email[50];
int age,gender;
long int c_no;
public://public member functions
void p_detail(int x)//function declaration and definition
{ if(x==1)//if else for domestic and international booking selection
{ j_detail();//function call
select_flight();//function call
{ j_detaili();//function call1353
select_flighti();//function call
cout << "\n\n\nEnter passenger details";
cout << "\nFirst Name:";
cin >> f_name;
cout << "Last Name:";
cin >> l_name;
int gender_check()//to check gender input as valid
cout << "\nGender:\nMale-press:1::\nFemale-press:2::";
cin >> gender;
cout << "\n\nWrong input entered.\nTry again\n\n" << endl;
return gender_check();//function call
void more_details()//to take more details of the passenger
cout << "Age:";
cin >> age;
cout << "Email Id:";
cin >> email;
cout << "Contact no.(6 digits):";
cin >> c_no;
cout << "\n\nDetails Entered:\n";
cout << "Name:" << f_name << " " << l_name << endl;
cout << "Gender:" << gender << endl; //displaying details
cout << "Age:" << age << endl;
cout << "Email id:" << email << endl;
cout << "Contact No.:" << c_no << endl;
int getpnr()//function to get pnr for domestic booking
return pnr;
int getpnri()//function to get pnr for international booking
return pnri;
void disp()//function to display details for domestic booking
cout<<"PNR:" << pnr << endl;
cout<<"Flight:" << f_d << endl;
cout<<"Name:" << f_name << " " << l_name << endl;
cout<<"DOJ:" << doj << endl;
cout<<"Departure Time:" << tojd << endl;
cout<<"Arrival Time:" << toja;
void dispi()//function to display details for international booking
cout<<"PNR:" << pnri << endl;
cout<<"Flight:" << f_i << endl;
cout<<"Name:" << f_name << " " << l_name << endl;
cout<<"DOJ:" << doji << endl;
cout<<"Departure Time:" << tojdi << endl;
cout<<"Arrival Time:" << tojai;
class payment//class for payment
protected://protected members
int choice1,bank,card,date,cvv,user_id;
char password[10];
public://public members functions
void pay_detail()//function declaration and definition for payment method
{ cout << "\n\n\nHow would you like to pay?:\n";
cout << "\n\1.Debit Card(1) \n\2.Credit Card(2) \n\3.Net Banking(3)";
cout << "\n\nEnter your choice";
cin >> choice1;
switch(choice1)//switch case
case 1://condition
cout << "\nEnter card no.:";
cin >> card;
cout << "\nEnter expiry date:";
cin >> date;
cout << "\nEnter CVV no.:";
cin >> cvv;
cout << "\nTransaction Successful\n";
case 2://condition
cout << "\nEnter card no.:";
cin >> card;
cout << "\nEnter expiry date:";
cin >> date;
cout << "\nEnter password:";
cin >> password;
cout << "\nTransaction Successful\n";
case 3://condition
cout << "Banks Available: \1.West Pac Bank(1) \2.Nabil Bank(2) \3.Standard Chartered Bank(3) \4.AMP Bank(4) \5.Others(5)";
cout << "\nSelect your bank:";
cin >> bank;
cout << "\nYou have selected:" << bank;
cout << "\nEnter user id:";
cin >> user_id;
cout << "\nEnter password:";
cin >> password;
cout << "\nTransaction Successful\n";
cout << "\nWrong input entered.\nTry again\n\n";
return pay_detail();
void createfile(passenger p)//file creation for domestic booking
{ ofstream fin("domestic.txt",ios::binary|ios::app);
fin.write((char*)&p,sizeof(p));//writing to file
fin.close();//closing file
void cancelticket(int x)//function to cancel ticket
{ passenger p;
int f=0;
ifstream fout("domestic.txt",ios::binary|ios::app);//for reading file
ofstream fin("domestic1.txt",ios::binary|ios::app);//for writing to a new file
fout.read((char *)&p,sizeof(p));//reading file
if(p.getpnr()!=x)//checking pnr
fin.write((char *)&p,sizeof(p));//writing to file
p.disp();//display details
cout<<"\nYour Above ticket is being canceled:\n" << "Amount refunded: Rs 1000\n";
f++;//incrementing f if pnr found
fout.read((char *)&p,sizeof(p));//reading another record from file
if(f==0)//if f==0,pnr not found
cout<<"Ticket not found\n";
fout.close();//closing file
fin.close();//closing file
remove("domestic.txt");//deleting old file
rename("domestic1.txt","domestic.txt");//renaming new file
void checkticket(int x)//function to check pnr or ticket
{ passenger p;
int f=0;
ifstream fout("domestic.txt",ios::binary);//opening file
fout.read((char *)&p,sizeof(p));//reading file
if(p.getpnr()==x)//checking pnr
{p.disp();//display details
cout<<"\nYour ticket"<<endl;
f++;//incrementing f if onr found
fout.read((char *)&p,sizeof(p));//reading another record from the same file
fout.close();//closing file
if(f==0)//if f==0, pnr not found
cout<<"Ticket not found"<<endl;
void createfilei(passenger p)//opening a file for international booking
{ ofstream fin("international.txt",ios::binary|ios::app);
fin.write((char*)&p,sizeof(p));//writing to file
fin.close();//closing file
void cancelticketi(int x)//function to cancel ticket
{ passenger p;
int f=0;
ifstream fout("international.txt",ios::binary|ios::app);//opening file
ofstream fin("international1.txt",ios::binary|ios::app);//writing to a new file
fout.read((char *)&p,sizeof(p));//reading old file
if(p.getpnri()!=x)//checking pnr
fin.write((char *)&p,sizeof(p));//writing to new file;
p.dispi();//display details
cout<<"Your Above ticket is being deleted:\n"<<"Amount refunded: Rs 1000\n";
f++;//incrementing f if pnr found
fout.read((char *)&p,sizeof(p));//reading another record from old file
if(f==0)//if f==0,pnr not found
cout<<"\nTicket not found\n";
fout.close();//closing file
fin.close();//closing file
remove("international.txt");//deleting old file
rename("international1.txt","international.txt");//renaming new file
void checkticketi(int x)//function to check pnr or ticket
{ passenger p;
int f=0;
ifstream fout("international.txt",ios::binary);//opening file
fout.read((char *)&p,sizeof(p));//reading file
if(p.getpnri()==x)//checking pnr
{p.dispi();//display details
cout<<"\nYour ticket"<<endl;
f++;//incrementing f if pnr found
fout.read((char *)&p,sizeof(p));//reading another record from the file
fout.close();//closing file
if(f==0)//if f==0, pnr not found
cout<<"Ticket not found"<<endl;
int main()//main function
class d_booking d1;//object for class d_booking
class i_booking i1;//object for class i_booking
class passenger p1;//object for class passenger
class payment p2;//object for class payment
int ch,ch1,n;//integer variables
char input;//character variables
do//do while loop
cout << "\n\n \t\tWelcome To Flight Reservation System" << endl << endl;
cout <<"\t <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>\n";
cout << "\t Book your Flight tickets at affordable prices!" << endl;
cout <<"\t <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>";
cout << "\n\n\t\t\t\1.Book Flight(1) \n\t\t\t\2.Cancel Fight(2) \n\t\t\t\3.Check Ticket(3) \n\t\t\t\4.Exit(4)" << endl;
cout << "\n\t\t Please enter your choice:";
cin >> ch;
switch(ch)//witch case
case 1://condition
cout << "\n\n\1.Domestic Fights(1) \n\2.International Flights(2)" << endl;
cout << "\nPlease enter your option" << endl;
cin >> ch1;
switch(ch1)//inner switch case
case 1://for booking domestic ticket
p1.p_detail(1);//function calls
createfile(p1);//call to create file
case 2: //for booking international ticket
p1.p_detail(2);//function calls
createfilei(p1);//call to create file
default://wrong input
cout << "Wrong input entered\nTry again\n\n\n" << endl;
return main();
case 2:
//for canceling ticket
cout << "\1.Domestic Fights(1) \n\2.International Flights(2)" << endl;
cout << "\nPlease enter your option" << endl;
cin >> ch1;
cout << "Please enter your PNR no.:" << endl;
cancelticket(n);//function call for domestic booking cancellation
else if(ch1==2)
{ cout << "Please enter your PNR no.:" << endl;
cancelticketi(n);//function call for international cancellation
cout << "Wrong input entered\nTry again\n\n\n";
return main();
case 3://for displaying booked ticket details
cout << "\1.Domestic Fights(1) \n\2.International Flights(2)" << endl;
cout << "\nPlease enter your option" << endl;
cin >> ch1;
{cout << "Please enter your PNR no.:" << endl;
checkticket(n);}//function call to display domestic ticket details
else if(ch1==2)
{ cout << "Please enter your PNR no.:" << endl;
checkticketi(n);//function call to display domestic ticket details
cout << "Wrong input entered.\nTry again\n\n\n";
return main();
case 4:
cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t\tBrought to you by code-projects.org";
return 0;
default://for wrong input
cout << "Wrong input entered\nTry again.\n\n\n\n" << endl;
return main();
cout<<"\n\n\nDo you wish to continue:(y/Y)" << endl;
cin >> input;
}while(input=='Y' || input=='y');//condition for do while loop
return 0;
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